Thursday, November 13, 2008

Congratulations, Genny!


My dear Genny has found the love of her life, Tim. Genny and Tim will be married December 30, 2008!

In all seriousness: Genny, I love you dearly. You are one of my bestest friends. You are like a sister to me. I am so proud of you. I am so happy for you.
May you live a life filled with love, joy and blessings. I love you always!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

History Is Made

God bless America!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloweeeeeeen!!!!

BOO!!!Did I scare you? I hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween. This year, Halloween, felt like it was everywhere, and everyone was in the Halloween spirit.

There was a Halloween roof party on Myle and Frank's roof. It was a blast and everyone was dressed up. Try to guess what we were:
(Run-Away convict and his victim).
(Fire-fighter and grovster) (Real chest hair! =p)
(I'm Eve)

I asked Myle what I could bring. Myle told me not to bring food or drinks so I brought a pinada stuffed with all kinds of naughty goodies.
Look what naughty thing came out of the pinada:

Myle got was used as a blind-fold...LOL!

Big, stong Mike with the orange and black thong/blind-fold finally broke the pinada with a few good wacks!Yay for Mike!!!

Can't wait til next Halloween. Boo!