I will miss Glendale. Everyone was so supportive and great to work with. It was a pleasure and honor working with you all. 
Glendale Insiders:
1. It's verrry good!
2. I have to go "pick up a video" at the Galleria
2. I have to go "pick up a video" at the Galleria
3. It's a conspiracy!
4. Lincoln Bedroom
5. Bagels galore
6. Taking people to the "airport"
7. In the dog house again?
8. No more infractions
9. Lee-Yang pile v. Lee-Vanderdrift pile
10. The O.G. (Olive Garden) soups
11. The chocolate cake mystery is solved
12. Do you see Sheida's BFs?
13. Aren't we due for a Ride-Along?
14. Sheida's luck
15. David's crosswords
16. Scott's love for badges