1. Great company;
2. Great food;
3. A little magic; and
4. A spoonful of sugar.
I had a great time last night hanging out with some awesome peeps. These awesome peeps and I went out for some chow at Fogo De Chao, a very delicious Brazilian restaurant.
The food was great.
Myle getting her chow on, Fogo de Chao, that is. =p
And of course dinner is always better with great conversation and lots of laughter.
Next we met up with some more awesome peeps at The Magic Castle. 
Oh Man, the magicians there are so talented. They can read your mind, they can make things move without touching them, they can make things appear and disappear. My thoughts in one word: WOW!!!
And to top off the night we went back to Myle's place to have some be-lated birthday cake for our dear friend, Siannah. Happy Birthday, Si!
Thanks everyone for an awesome Saturday night! =)