With my childhood, adolesence, and twenties behind me, I am actually excited about my thirties. I look forward to seeing what new adventures are in store for me, what new curve balls life will throw at me, and can't wait to experience the sensations that will bring a smile to my face and warm my heart. Bring it on, World!!! I am so ready!!!
I decided to really ring in this new year of mine with the people that I care about the most...My family and friends. I threw myself a birthday party (of course with the help of loved ones. Special thanks to Ahn, Allura, Charles, Michelle and Myle). I had such a wonderful time. And again, I am touched and feel tremendously blessed to have a loving and supportive family, and wonderful, caring and fun friends in my life.
I love you all so much!!! Thank you for making my "flirty thirty" so memorable and fun. Here's to 30+ years to come!
Happy B-lated birthday! I have 30 to look forward to next year. So woo! lol. glad to see you had a good b-day.
Cute, Cat! Flirty thirty! Mine's gonna be DIRTY THIRTY!!!! haha. Wish we could've celebrated together! Cheers to life! Miss you so much!
Happy birthday!
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