Next the defendant pulls out the chair that was neatly tucked under the defense counsel table, lifts it up and HURLS it at the white-haired, frail little judge and yells out, "You're not the judge, I'm the judge! I'm the king of the Jews!" The chair hits the judge's podium and misses the judge by inches only!
The chair is flying, I'm screaming, people are gasping, the bailiff is cuffing the defendant and requesting back up simultaneously, other deputies come rushing into the courtroom, and the defendant is taken into custody! It was a crazy morning.
A few minutes later I say, "Goodness, can anything else go wrong today?" And I kid you not, that is when we are shaken by a 5.8 earthquake! Again, people are gasping, running under doorways, holding onto pillars and bolting under tables.
Goodness sakes, Im afraid to ask, "Can anything else go wrong today?"
Your court room is out of control!!! haha. Don't worry Cat...freaky tuesday is ALMOST over. =) totally have the freakiest of Tuesdays!!!
hi cathy!!! found you!
looking forward to keeping in touch via our blogs. i've been wondering what you've been up to! glad to see that you're happy, healthy, and beautiful as always...
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