I shall have fond memories of you always. You shall always hold a special place in my heart. You gave me a chance to realize my dreams. You allowed to me make mistakes, laugh at those mistakes and ultimately, learn from those mistakes.
Dear Kern...
It was you that taught me to be independent, and it was you that taught me how to live on my own. It was you that thaught me that hard work pays off, but it was also you that taught me that team work is priceless.
Dear Kern...
You opened my heart and let me feel passion for my work. You opened my heart and you gave me good friends. You opened my heart and gave me an experience of a lifetime.
Dear Kern...
I shall have fond memories of you always.
Dear Kern...
I shall never forget you. 

i can't believe you were there for a year. i'm glad your back (=
I miss you so much! We all miss you!!
Dear Cathy,
I'm glad you're not so far away anymore. It's time to leave Kern behind. j/k. hehe.
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